Robert Flaechsig

Leitender Volkswirt in der Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu

Economist of Saudi Arabia's Royal Commission (RCJY) for spatial planning and strategic industrial development of petrochemical hubs Yanbu (606 km2) and Jazan (103 km2) in view of the Maritime Silk Road. Previously a Director at the industrialization program (NICDP); in collaboration with the oil multinational ARAMCO, the chemical conglomerate SABIC, the mining corporation MAADEN, and with sovereign development funds. In 2009 appointed as Economic Advisor to the Council of Advisors under Special Advisor HRH Prince Abdul-Elah bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud. In 2020 appointed as member of expert commissions to update the National Industrial Strategy as well as to expand cooperation of in-kingdom institutions with World Bank, Organization for Industrial Development (UNIDO), and the Development Program (UNDP) of the United Nations.

Active in the Advisory Board of the German-Arab Friendship Association (DAFG), he delivered the keynote address at the TUM SPEAKERS SERIES symposium "Transformation of the Global Energy Markets" in 2015.